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Stay Strong: 5 Minutes of Fitness #3 – Cardio + Upper Body Strength

27 thoughts on “Stay Strong: 5 Minutes of Fitness #3 – Cardio + Upper Body Strength”

    1. Hi Thabang; it’s wonderful to reconnect with you and other Net Buddies from Mehlwana.

      We closed down the Launchpad when we did because of circumstances beyond our control, but we are always thinking of all of you.

      We love you and your well being means a lot to us.

    1. It was pretty obvious that it was going to be extended….. Looking at how people were behaving we can never blame the decision made.’

    2. It is a good thing, because we really need it in order for us to be safe it’s useless for the goverment to say ”you are free as a bird” while we all get infected while making up and down the street. Mr President is doing a right thing.

    3. I believe it is a good decision and looking at the difference of the rate at which the people are getting infected daily has decrease due to the implementation of the lockdown.

      I glad that the goverment is putting it’s people first rather than the economy.

    4. Kwanele Surprise Mali

      He was in a situation of saving the economy and saving the lives of the people of SA, you can get money anytime but you cannot get a soul back on my side I’m not angry because he did this to save us.

    5. I feel sad, because I miss school and working online isn’t working for me because i don’t like working online.

    6. I think is a good idea because people were not staying at home maybe this time they will listen.

    7. Thandekile Ntshakala

      I feel good, I believe lives of people matters more than going out. Having to move around as we want let us stay in, it’s for us and is safe.

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