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The Whole World is in this Together

Dearest Net Buddies,

So here we are, almost four weeks into lockdown. Wow! We have come a long way and in retrospect the time has gone quickly.

So what have you guys been busy with? Maybe at first you thought this would be like an extended school holiday but if you are like me, I get bored very quickly. I live alone with my labrador in Johannesburg, and she is a fantastic listener but doesn’t have much to say in return J. So being on my own has forced me to really think creatively and make good use of my time. I draw up a daily programme every night for the following day with exact times and activities I will be doing. I even schedule the time I must wake up because it is so easy to get lazy and lie in bed until 10am. I have been able to do some work from home which helps keep some kind of routine but I am not fully operational work-wise.

It is so important to keep our minds and bodies active during this lockdown, to prevent us from getting caught up in our thoughts and worries. Do you know that expression about worrying? It’s like sitting in a rocking chair, it gives you something to do but gets you nowhere. The reality is this situation is beyond our control but there are people in high places who know what is going on and how to handle it. So as scary as it may be, we know there are people we can trust who are out there looking after us and doing everything to protect us. We just have to keep doing our part to prevent the spread of the virus. I am sure you have a degree on prevention measures by now, but the important part is implementing the measures. Knowledge without action is useless!

These are some of the things I have kept myself busy with: cleaning and repacking cupboards (not my favourite, but I always feel better once it is done); craft painting (my favourite hobby); reading (another favourite pastime); building a huge puzzle; doing some stretching and yoga exercises; redecorating my house; meditation and prayer; cooking (I have always been useless at that, but I do believe my skills are now improving); adult colouring books; and watching series (which I try not to do too much of as it can get addictive).

I want to encourage you all that the whole world is in this together, imagine that…the whole world! So whatever thoughts and fears you may be having, although you are “locked down “ wherever you currently are, we are all experiencing the same feelings. We are here to support and encourage one another and I always think of that childhood song we used to sing at school, “He’s got the whole world in His hands, He’s got you and me brother in His hands, He’s got you and me sister in His hands…” (I know you are now singing this song in your head and I am just glad you can’t hear my voice….lol). In fact when I get lonely or feel scared or worried about my family and friends, I look at the moon at night and just think that we are ALL looking at the same moon. No matter where we are in the world, we all see the same moon. Isn’t that an awesome, powerful thought? And If I am missing somebody, I ask them to look at the moon at a certain time and then I look too and it gives me so much comfort and makes me feel me connected to the person knowing that although we are physically apart, we are sharing a moment looking at the moon  together at the exact same time.

And so dear Net Buddies, I would love to hear from you and tell me how you are doing and what you have been up?
Much love, Sandra

P.S. Have a look at the moon tonight and know that I will be looking too and thinking of you J

3 thoughts on “The Whole World is in this Together”

  1. Every time I want to moan about something I think of all the people who have nothing – no room to move, no garden to go out, very little food, no hope for betterment. I have nothing to worry about nothing to fear. I am so lucky

    1. Yes indeed Sunet, it is so easy to forget our blessings at a time like this. That reminds me, I also try keep a gratitude list. At the end of the day, before bed, I write down three things from the day that I am grateful for. I actually keep a book and I review it at the end of the month, its amazing how much I have to be grateful for.

      So for today me three gratitudes are: my friendly neighbours, my dog and beautiful sunshine.

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