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You are Not Alone, We Must ALL Work Hard to Catch Up!

Click here to hear Buntu Petse’s message to Infinite Family’s Net Buddies and Net Blazers.

There’s a lot that’s cool about belonging to our Infinite Family and one of the coolest is that we get the chance to connect with amazing people all over the world. That includes all our Net Buddies and Net Blazers (because, yes, every one of you is awesome) and another special member of our Infinite Family is … you won’t believe this … star of Generations – The Legacy, Nontle Majola!

If you follow the TV show, you’ll know she’s just joined the cast as the smart, sassy and rebellious teenage daughter of Ayanda … and in real life she’s the niece of Infinite Family’s Zoleka Petse.  (How cool is that?!)

Her name is Buntu Petse and she’s got a special message just for you!

4 thoughts on “You are Not Alone, We Must ALL Work Hard to Catch Up!”

  1. We will gradually get back to our lives in phases as outlined by the president last week, but we have to accept that our lives will not be the same as we have lived them before . We will need to continue taking precaution even when the lockdown eventually gets lifted to prevent further infections and reinfections.

  2. Thandekile Ntshakala

    That’s cool hey.
    I just hope we get back to our lives soon or else the whole is cancelled our school, plans and life in general.

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