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Container Buildings are Magic, with a Big Lift

New friendly faces have been walking around our Alexandra site quite a bit lately-thanks to YOU!.  They walk around with tools to measure distances and determine if a space is flat or not. Sometimes they come by just to confirm the last measurements. But nothing is really visible in a container construction project…until, one day, they just appear. This is what it looks like to our Alexandra Net Buddies: a bunch of visitors they haven’t seen before, but no real action. Sure, one guy cocks his head this way and then the other way. Another guy squats down and points. But, to our teens, it doesn’t look very impressive.

To the Infinite Family team, our partners actions are very impressive. Dean and Chris from Absolute Containers keep showing up with new ideas on how best to bring a double-decker LaunchPad to expand our site, and also how to make the existing structure a fresh and exciting space. If you promise not to tell our Net Buddies, we are excited to share with you what they have coming in the next couple of weeks.

First the AC team is going to rig ropes around a couple of nearby trees and hoist an existing smaller container onto giant rolling pins to move it out of the way. Then, it’s time to mix and pour large, square cement plinths that will serve as the foundation where the double-decker LaunchPad will land. (These guys are so great, they are even going to create plinths for the smaller container where it will eventually be moved.) We need to let the plinths set for a week. During this time, the new LaunchPad gets a final cleaning and review.

Then it’s moving time. On the first day, an enormous crane will disassemble the LaunchPad and place it on flatbed trucks to bring to a staging area. On day two, they will travel to the street outside the high wall that surrounds our site. The crane will swing into action and, over the course of just a few hours, the LaunchPad containers will be hoisted over the wall and placed precisely on the waiting plinths. Just like magic, what was empty space one day becomes a two-story LaunchPad computer lab the next.

This exciting expansion is happening because you made it happen. You are turning a hot and dusty field into an inspiring workspace where our Net Buddies will prepare for jobs in the 21st century workplace. You are also bringing 22 new laptop workstations to Alexandra teens to help them finish their homework and prepare for their big November exams. They don’t know it yet, but you are about to inspire a lot more Alexandra teens to build better futures. For their future success, we thank YOU!

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