Khayelitsha, outside Cape Town, isn’t the easiest place for a mother to bring up her sons but it’s always been the place the Mphanda twins have called home and it’s where their dreams of a professional future were first seeded. And, now in their final year of High School, it’s where those big ambitions are beginning to take shape, thanks to the support and encouragement their Infinite Family video mentors.
Thamsanqa joined our program in 2021 and the relationship with his US-based mentor, Deena Boykin was a perfect match from Day 1. Meanwhile, Molope joined Velokhaya Life Cycling Academy (VLCA) – an initiative aimed at equipping Khayelitsha teens with life skills through cycling – and only came on board this year when, he says, he decided he wanted the mentoring experience his twin was having and teamed up with Daniel Gallardo!
While both Infinite Family and VLCA are focused on helping teens from underserved communities to meet their full potential, in school and in life, the relationship with a mentor also provides an opportunity for them to explore ideas, discuss problems and to develop a stronger sense of self in a safe online space.
After Thamsanqa and Molope lost their precious uncle last April, both relied heavily on Deena and Danny to support them through their grief process and say they have greatly valued their ongoing care on their journey to healing.
“What has kept me going is the love that Deena gives me and the encouragement I get from her,” says Thamsanqa. “She motivates me to keep pushing no matter how difficult things get .. and .. I am inspired by her story of how she got to be in the position she’s in now as a business woman.
“After she got retrenched from her job, she had to stay at home. Then she started her own business and now she is very successful. The smile she gives me every time we meet means a lot to me.”
After Molope’s first video conversation (VC), he could not control his excitement and sent a voice note to our team to thank them for connecting him with Danny! As he explains: “In our community, we don’t have enough role models, so it is great to have someone outside your community to talk to and assist you on the career route you intend to pursue.
“I decided to have a mentor after seeing my brother and our friends come out of their VC with grins on their faces. It helped me understand that I needed to have my own mentorship experience and acquire more insight into life.”
Molope’s dream is to pursue a career in medicine or architecture, while Thamsanqa would like to be a mechanical engineer. With the help of their mentors and the community around them, we cannot wait to see these dreams being realized a few years down the line. It will certainly be a double celebration for their family.