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The Best Medecine

Like teens the world over, many of South Africa’s most vulnerable young people are dealing with some serious mental health challenges. 😢 Your support makes a very real difference to them.

In the years we’ve been working in township communities, we know of several child abuse situations, and a horrifying six suicide attempts, that have been prevented because a Net Buddy contacted their Video Mentor or one of our staff members.

Take this letter we received in September – from a Net Buddy we’ll call M. – which is just one reminder of how powerful and important the personal relationships between teens and their Video Mentors can be:

Infinite Family is helping a lot of people to get through depression and stress… Video Mentors are kind and understanding. My Video Mentor [teaches me how to stay calm and not be nervous and helps me with a lot of things, even school stuff.]

It’s humbling to know that, although thousands of miles may separate us, our global Infinite Family is often the first line of defense in situations where children are in desperate mental or physical pain. 🤗

 As an Infinite Family donor, you make sure that our teens – unlike most of their counterparts – have the opportunity to develop skills that can sustain them throughout their personal and professional lives.

Thank you for making this worldwide support system a reality.  Making a gift to Infinite Family now ensures that the global mentorship support network remains active and effective, and reinforces our teens on their most difficult days.

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