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2024 Donors and Sponsors


We thank our generous 2024 donors and corporate sponsors, your support prepares teens to succeed!


Adobe Systems Maria and Ken Laberteaux
Advisors Living LLC Rita and Thomas Laberteaux
Adworld Services Mary Labrada
Lynn Ainsworth and James Mercurio Angela Carr Lambson and Roger Lambson
Rubina Ajdary Lampe LLC
Albert Wessels Trust Nora and Pat Latta
Allied World Gwyneth Leech and David Wilson
Jo-Ann Alperin Leslie Davis and Gregory White Family Foundation
Elinor Amlen Jacqueline Liesch
Molly and John Anderson Rachel Lovett
Anonymous Holly Maguire
Amelia and Branden Antes Mia Marais and Johannes Hanekom
Alan Arenson Shaphan Markelon
Toby Axelrod Cara and Kevin McCaffrey
Héctor Barbosa Microsoft Corporation
Jordan Barnes Maida Mindlin
Andrew Baylis Farah Mirjan
Taryn Baylis Natalie Muller
Angela Beekers-Uberoi and Hank Uberoi Netflix
Elia Ben-Ari NTT Data
Nicola Biani Laurence O’Connell
Taylor Bond Anne Marie Offer
Patricia and Jim Branham Kathryn Osterholzer, PhD and John Osterholzer, MD
Ivan and Beryl Bresgi Angela Paolicelli-Ortiz and Elliot Ortiz
Kate Bushmann Alison Paul and Mark Pomerleau
Laura Marie Caldwell Nicole Pearson
Julie Cameron Natalie Pinkham
Sandy Cameron Dana Points
Jared Cape Pulse Contact Solutions
Kathleen Casey Pranav Raghuram
Clarix Technologies Michelle Renecle
Dawnna and Chris Conrad Patsy Russell
Rita and Jerome Conrad, MD Rutgers Graduate School of Education
Elizabeth Courtney Sophie and Joseph Sacca
Colin Cowie Frances Sadler
Cathi and Chris Coy Rafael Salazar
Randal Cummings Salesforce
Deborah Cunningham Mariam Sarrafan and Fati Sanii, PhD
Curveball Consulting Mary Beth Sasso
Glenda Damerell-Moss Scarab IT Solutions
Lore De Bruyn Naomi Schiff
Robyn de Bruyn Sarah Schiff
Paula Derrow and Randal Chinnock Zack Schwartz
Jodi and Tom Deschaine Seacom
Dial-a-Nerd Bharat Shah
Robyn and Marc Dumont Dan Sherry
Carol Durst-Wertheim, PhD, and Les Wertheim The Skolnick Family Charitable Trust
Ellen Clancy and Richard Rottkov Helen and Jay Smith
Maryam Enders Smith, Kyle and John Webber
Boadicea Engelen Rachel Snitzer
Patricia Ferguson Southern Sun Sandton
Joan and Aaron Fischer The Stephen S. Smith and Paula K. Smith Family Foundation
Sandra Fisher Amy and Chris Stokes
Rebecca Flecken Diane and Cary Stokes
Eloise Foley Marcia Stokes
Daniel Gallardo Mel Stokes
Jagruti Gandhi, PhD Cheyenne Stopford
Ariella Gastel and Jim Lincoln Laurene Stopford
Julie Gerrish Carolina Sueyro
The Giving Block Janet Sullivan
GlobalGiving Itay Tenne
Dana Gold Betsy and Mike Terry
Sylvia Guerrero Charles Thompson
Roberta Gumbel Kevin Travis
Mitesh Halani Heather and Chris Tressler
Gail and Leon Harper Eddie Tucker
Damon Hill Uberoi Foundation
Betsy and Alan Hohlfelder Karen Uhlmann
Jody and Joseph Horowitz Dylan Van Den Berg
Paul Hotston Nina Vaughan
Amy Hozer-Weber Etienne Vos
Amy Humbert Kate Walbert and Rafael Pelli
Janet and Ray Huntley Dawn and Dana Wales
Jackson National Life Insurance Waverly Staging
Debra Kahn Steve Webb
Tamiko Kamara Webber Wentzel
Alex Karafa Wells Fargo
Kathleen and John Karber Sarah Wetzel
Mitchell Karp Jane Wise
Pam Kaufman Jochen Wols
Melissa Korten Neil Wooding
Kristy and Chris Kubacki Sungpil Yoon

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