

Take a Virtual Tech Adventure

Who wants to meet a teen girl with a big secret – and learn about Artificial Intelligence at the same time? This 3hr and 42 minute story will take you on a whirlwind trip with a runaway heroine who isn’t who you, or she, thinks she is. Gather your siblings […]

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Sho Madjozi Shines South Africa Bright on the World Stage

At the 2019 BET Awards, South African hip-hop star Sho Madjozi had two goals: enjoy herself immensely and meet as many people as she could. Not only was she nominated as one of the Best New International Acts, (which she won) but it was also her first time in L.A. […]

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Official SA Coronavirus Information Sources

Net Buddies and Net Blazers, there is now an official SA Coronavirus 19 information website, whatsapp and emergency hotline. Keep these handy to confirm what people might tell that doesn’t seem logical or safe. And of course, you can always, always, always ask anyone at Infinite Family your questions or […]

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Lockdown Got You Feeling Boxed in? Try Boxing!

Next to the late, great Mohammed Ali, one of the world’s most famous black boxers is … Nelson Mandela! Did you know he started boxing when he was a student at Fort Hare University in Transkei?  He didn’t fight competitively but he said that – during the struggle years and […]

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Happy Easter

Today’s gift to our Net Buddies and Christian community is inspiration by sunrise via painting by New York artist, writer and Video Mentor, Alyssa Smith-Lee.  Thank You Alyssa!

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