Keep Teens Safe
Your gift today keeps a teen away from gangs, in school, and on track to succeed in school, work, and life.
You know that making good choices matters more as a teen than at any other time. Growing up surrounded by poverty and violence, the “short route” for quick cash is easy, but dangerous, and never ends well. Your action today gives our teens a better choice and motivates them to work hard and stay on track.
When they go to work after college, they will each help support an average of 8 additional family members, thanks to YOU!
Other Ways to Support South African Teens
Here’s how your gift could help a teen build a better life:
Sustaining sponsors drive teen success.
$10/month – Keeps a LaunchPad computer lab clean and safe for all our teens
$19/month – Provides a teen with a weekly mentoring session
$32/month – Provides a weekly tutoring session for 5 teens
$55/month – Guarantees 5 teens daily access to a computer and internet
$100/month – Trains 80 Net Buddies in digital literacy every year
One-time investments make long-term impact.
$ 50 – Adds skills development resources to our online library
$ 150 – Delivers one year of books for a college/university student
$ 700 – Buys a new laptop for teens to use every day
$1,500 – Keeps 60 teens warm with a new hooded sweater for the winter
$4,670 – Sponsors 1 year of college/university courses
FACT: Teens make the most important decisions for their entire future between the ages of 12 and 22.
It’s tough for teens everywhere to make the ‘good’ decisions that are in their long-term interests. Yet, the choices they make can BUILD or BREAK an entire lifetime of opportunities. Bad choices, like dropping out of school and joining a gang, are even more attractive in communities where poverty and violence are all around. Your gift today offers an alternative, a course correction, a new path to success, at its most powerful and transformational moment in a teen’s life.
With few role models of better outcomes, it makes sense for many teens to live in the moment and worry about the rest later.
For our teens in South Africa, decisions can look like this:
Drop out of high school
to find a job and help feed the family?
Stay in school,
in the hope of building a better, long-term future for the family?
Date and enjoy intimate relationships
at the risk of a teen pregnancy?
Forgo intimate relationships to keep dreams on track?
Join a gang and hang out with the cool guys?
Withstand peer-pressure and be branded a nerd?
Every gift makes a difference!
We thank you for investing in our Net Buddies!
Make a Major Gift
Major donations advance Infinite Family’s mission to propel South Africa’s teens to school and life success.